Our Pets Deserve to Feel Their Best
Canine, Feline & Equine Services
At Youngblood’s, our focus is the well-being of your pet…the natural way.
We offer canine and feline massage therapy at our facility in Wilkinson, IN, as well as equine massage therapy at your location. Animal massage therapy is a soothing and relaxing option not only for animals dealing with anxiety, post-surgery pain management, arthritis, and aging, but for general maintenance and well-being. We have created a stress and anxiety relief area with calming diffusers and offer natural anxiety and stress relief supplements as well as stress and anxiety sprays and roll-on aromatherapies.
What Our Customers Say:
“From arthritis to allergies, Youngblood’s has provided so much relief for Jake, our Golden Retriever. As a customer from almost day one, I know now that a raw diet, all-natural hip and joint and allergy supplements and regular massage therapy added years to his life.” — Liv Markus
Our Services
New Patient Evaluation
Canine or Feline Only
*required before booking any other services
Every new patient of ours begins here. During this 75 minute evaluation, we will determine which of our services your animal will benefit from the most.
Animal Massage*Prices vary based on animal. New patient evaluation required before booking.
Animal massage therapy is a soothing and relaxing option not only for animals dealing with anxiety, post surgery pain management, arthritis and aging, but for general maintenance and well being. We have created a stress and anxiety relief area with calming diffusers and offer natural anxiety and stress relief supplements as well as stress and anxiety spray and roll-on aromatherapies. Animal massage therapy can:
Assist in maintaining a healthy body and physical condition of the animal.
An increased range of motion and enhances muscle tone.
Reduced inflammation/swelling in the joints which alleviates pain.
Balances the body by treating it as a whole instead of individual parts.
Carries away excessive fluids/toxins and promotes healing by increasing nutrients to the muscles.
Stimulates circulation and releases endorphins which are natural pain killers.
Improves flexibility which helps prevent injury.
Prevents and relieves stress.
$30*New patient evaluation required before booking
Animal Neuro Myofascial Release is a technique that helps restore proper communication between the spinal segment and the brain. It allows the body to “reset” the joint and releases associated soft tissue.
ANMR can be used for IVDD, subluxations and soft tissue components associated with joint misalignments. It’s performed with extremely safe and comfortable instrument adjustments, red light meridian therapy, stretches and soft tissue release. Dogs, cats and horses can benefit greatly from ANMR.
Red Light Therapy
$15 if booked with additional service
*New patient evaluation required before booking
Red Light Therapy is a way to assist the body in healing itself. The lights have specific wavelengths that are absorbed by a photo acceptor, cytochrome coxidase with the mitochondria of the cell. The photons (energy) from the lights increases the energy within the cell and that helps speed up the healing process. Using red and infrared lights is beneficial because the wavelengths are absorbed by different depths of tissue. The combination of the tow works to provide benefits for soft tissue injuries, strains, sore backs, tendon problems, sprains, shoulder pain, salivary gland problems, swelling, arthritis pain, wounds and more.
*New patient evaluation required before booking
In healthy individuals, thermography shows a unique thermal “fingerprint” with a high degree of symmetry between left and right sides of the body. However, in times of dysfunction or disease, this thermal pattern is altered alerting us to a potential problem. Problems include, but are not limited to: pain, lameness and ligament issues, tendon or muscle sprains and strains.
Kinesiology Taping
*New patient evaluation required before booking
Kinesiology tape was designed to assist the animal’s natural healing process while allowing stability and support to muscles and joints without restricting their range of motion. It is used to successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions in humans. We believe that animals can obtain these same benefits that have been demonstrated in human use of kinesiology tape.
Nutrition Counseling
*New patient evaluation required before booking
Do you often wonder what is actually in your bag of kibble? Do you have all questions and no answers? Are you tired of searching the internet for information that turns out to be inaccurate? Let us help! Set up an appointment with a Pet Food Nutrition Specialist who will sit down with you, answer your questions, talk about your pet’s nutrition and assist you with a plan moving forward if desired.
Book Your Appointment
(765) 785-4035
310 S. Main Street
Wilkinson, Indiana
Tuesday - Saturday
10am - 6pm
Closed Sundays & Mondays